Slimbridge, early March 2024

I visited WWT Slimbridge on the way back from Devon. Spotted Redshank, Spoonbill with a showy crest and a Kingfisher were the main ‘wild’ attractions.  I enjoyed looking at the curated birds, as usual.  Note to self: try to avoid weekends in future…

Spotted Redshank

The Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus) is a striking wader species found in the UK. With only a handful of breeding pairs recorded, it's relatively rare during the breeding season. However, during the winter months, the UK hosts several thousand individuals, attracted to coastal areas and wetlands. Known for its distinctive black and white plumage and long, slender bill, the Spotted Redshank adds to the diversity of the UK's birdlife, particularly during the colder seasons.



The Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) is a striking bird. With around 4,000 breeding pairs, it's a relatively common sight along rivers and water bodies during the breeding season. In winter, the UK hosts a stable population of Kingfishers, with many mature individuals remaining in their territories. Recognized for their vibrant plumage and remarkable fishing skills,

Bewick's and Whooper Swans

Common Crane

Common Goldeneye




Greater Scaup


Red Breasted Merganser


Black necked Swan (South American)


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