Elmley, early Sept 2024
Brief but close views of a Bittern at Elmley, plus Cattle Egret, Whinchat and even a slightly distant Kingfisher from the drive to the car park Whinchat The Whinchat ( Saxicola rubetra ) is a small, migratory passerine bird found in the UK, favoring open habitats such as upland meadows, heathlands, and grasslands with scattered shrubs during the breeding season. The Whinchat is often spotted perched on low shrubs or tall plants, using elevated viewpoints to catch insects. In the UK, the breeding population of Whinchats is estimated to be around 47,000 pairs. This species is a long-distance migrant, wintering in sub-Saharan Africa, with individuals departing the UK in late summer and returning in spring to breed. Cattle Egret The Cattle Egret ( Bubulcus ibis ) is a white heron increasingly seen in the UK, primarily in wetland areas, farmland, and around grazing livestock, with which it has a close ecological relationship. Distinguished by its compact size, yellow bill, and in breeding