Elmley, mid March 2024

The weather has not been the best but I felt it was worth visiting Elmley a few times just to spend a bit more time watching the SEOs before they head out for the summer. There is plenty of other birds at Elmley but the weather has not really encouraged walking down to the hides, or even to the Brickfields.


The Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is a familiar sight across the UK. With approximately 46,000 breeding pairs, it's one of the most widespread birds of prey in the country. During winter, the UK hosts a stable population of Kestrels, with many individuals remaining in their territories. Known for their hovering hunting technique and distinctive plumage, Kestrels are an integral part of the UK's avian landscape year-round.

Little Owl

The Little Owl (Athene noctua) is a charming species found in the UK. With an estimated 5,700 breeding pairs, it's relatively common in the country. During winter, the population remains stable, with many Little Owls remaining in their territories year-round.

Marsh Harrier

The Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) is a notable bird of prey in the UK. With around 400 breeding pairs, it's a relatively common sight during the breeding season.

Short eared Owl
The Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) is a notable bird of prey in the UK. With only a few hundred breeding pairs recorded, it's relatively rare during breeding season. However, during the winter months, the UK hosts several thousand individuals, drawn to open grasslands, marshes, and coastal areas. Their distinctive hunting behavior and facial discs make them a captivating addition to the UK's birdlife.



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