Devon, Feb-Mar 2024

RSPB Greylakes

On the way down to Devon, I stopped at this RSPB reserve to try and catch the Baikal Teal that had been present for a few weeks.  The Teal was definitely present and being watched by a lot of birders from both hides. However, it was fast asleep the entire time I was present. Such is birdwatching…

RSPB Aylesbeare

Two trips to this reserve but no luck with Dartford warblers or much else really. Maybe I was a bit too early for a lot of activity.

RSPB Bowling Green Marsh

Nothing much that was unusual this time around, expect for a lot of rain. Both times I visited, in the early morning, the hide was empty.  There were Spoonbills present on both trips.

River Exe cruise with Stuart Line cruises

Not one of their specific birding cruises but enjoyable trip up the river. Cormorant and Shag present as usual, and very distinctive as they move into the breeding season.

Seaton Wetlands

There was a flotilla of Wigeon just off the Seaton beach. I’ve not seen that before. I presume they are getting ready to migrate back to their northern breeding grounds.


Spent a great day walking on Dartmoor with two old friends. The birding highlight was a cottage with feeders in the garden. These attracted Yellow Hammer, Siskin, Marsh Tit, Nuthatch and Coal Tit, as well as the usual suspects.  Much more interesting than the birds we see on the feeders in our garden in Kent.

Branscombe Water treatment plant

The area around the plant has a lot of Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and even (a first for me) Firecrest.  Presumably the filter bed promotes the production of flies, which the birds feed on during the winter.  Very, very pleased to see my first Firecrest.


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