Birding road trip, October 2023

A casual birding road trip in October, starting with a Rutland Water, followed the next day by a Raptor photography workshop near Market Harborough, then WWT Slimbridge before arriving in Seaton. While in Seaton, I made two excursions, BOPH Autumn cruise and RSPB Ham Wall. Both were fairly quiet, especially Ham Wall.

Rutland water

No late Osprey this year, but 12 GW Egrets were showing at the Crake hide.



A large, professional and educational wetland centre.

BOPH cruise

No sign of 511, the Scottish Osprey, but the two WTEs were visible but rather distant.  There was a large number of Spoonbills (61) on the lagoon, apparently the second largest group in the UK.

Seaton Wetlands

Good to see the Kingfisher but in general the BHM was very quiet again. On one visit NO birds were visible at all from the Island hide. I can't help but think that the poor management of fresh water inflows is leading to uneven water levels, drying out of large parts of the scrape and therefore poor food supply for visiting birds.

Curlew Sandpiper


Bowling Green Marsh

Visited at high tide, a positive because of the higher number of birds, but a sunrise, which was a big mistake as it made photograph almost impossible.



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