Purple Heron, October 2023

Travelling from Witney to Seaton presented the opportunity to try for a Purple Heron at Whelford Pools , WWT Slimbridge and finally a Squacco Heron near RSPB Ham Wall. There was nothing of close interest at Slimbridge and the Squacco Heron was as elusive as it was the last time I looked, but the Purple Heron was magnificent. I have been lucky enough to have seen one before at Seasalter, although it was a distant view and partially hidden by reeds. They are much more secretive that Grey Herons or Egrets, almost at Bittern levels of sneakiness. The hide a Whelford was perfectly set up and after 15 minutes of waiting, the bird appeared. Fortunately it was not disturbed by the loud chatting by two of the local birders!